Cat Stretch
Cat Stretch is the best exercise to increase the height. The Cat Stretch targets the muscles in the lower back. Each time you perform this stretch, try to push your spine a bit higher towards the ceiling. Don't stretch to the point of pain, as this may cause to serious injury to your body.
Procedure of Cat Stretch
You have to place your both hands and knees on the floor. Then inhale while flexing your spine down and exhale while bringing your spine up into an arched position and your head down. Your spine at this position should be arched. Then, keep your shoulders high and elbow straight. Your body pelvic bone should touch the floor. Each repetition should last for 4-8 seconds.

Move slowly-slowly, feeling a gentle stretch in your lower back. On inhale avoid compressing lower back, instead, feel your chest expanding. As the best way to increase the intensity is through a combination of holding the stretch for a long period of time and increasing the distance that the muscles are stretched.
Again, don't stretch to the point of pain, as this can cause serious injury to your body.
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