Simple Ways To Increase Height

By following these steps Teenagers can gain or Increase height up to 3-4 inches in 12 weeks, so Increase your height naturally.

Spinal Column and Legs

The spinal column consists of 33 vertebrae. Between each vertebrae there are discs made up of cartilage. Cartilage is stretchable. You can grow taller by developing the cartilage and increasing the spaces within the vertebrae.

What you will need to do is to strengthen the discs and increase their elasticity. Most people don‘t exercise, and they definitely don‘t take the time to specialize in exercising the spinal column. What ends up happening is that the spinal column begins to compress and minimize the spaces within the vertebrae. Thus, you won‘t be as tall as you could be.

Over time your spinal column will take form and not reach it‘s maximum potential unless you do something about it. You spinal column compresses daily because of gravity when you are standing or sitting. However, when you sleep straight on your back your spinal column straightens out since gravity isn‘t pulling it down to the ground.
                                                     proof------- OK, try this.

Measure your height right before you go to bed. Then measure your height right when you wake up. You will probably be about an inch taller in the morning. The heavier you are the more gravity pulls down on your spinal column. So therefore, you may be over an inch taller in the morning as opposed to at night. Basically, the heavier you are, the more you will shrink throughout the day.

What you will need to do is put the spine in traction, basically decompressing it so you can increase the fluid capacity in the discs. This will thicken and strengthen the cartilage along the entire spinal column making it longer and stronger. With a stronger spine, your body can better resist the compressive forces of gravity.


Just like the spinal column, there is the capacity to lengthen the legs within the thigh and shine bone areas. There are gaps within the bones. By exploiting these gaps and creating more gaps and widening them through certain exercises, you can effectively lengthen the bones. When you combine tension with compression you create microscopic stress fractures. Have you ever had shin splints? Shin splints are microscopic fractures that have gotten too big and haven‘t been repaired quickly enough.

Now imagine if you could repair those big gaps caused by the microscopic fractures before you lose the ability to repair them. What would happen is that you will eventually get taller. The next section will talk about some interesting facts about the height of people around the world.

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